Pet First Aid Really Isn’t an Option
One of the biggest threats to your pet can also be that unbridled joy: a dog can run into a barbed wire fence or in front of a car. A cat can fall out of a tree and occasionally not land on its feet or fall from a height so great that it doesn’t matter how they land. Birds can be so sensitive that proximity to an air conditioning vent can have fatal. All pets can suffer from eating household chemicals, foods such as chocolate, grapes, onions, medications, and plants. Contaminated or substandard pet food and products can cause health problems.
Even the smallest threats can be dangerous. Parasites like fleas, ticks, and intestinal worms can pose health risks to pets and, in some cases, transmit diseases to humans as well.
Weather is another issue that may be increasing. Extremes can bring heatstroke and hypothermia. Storms can unleash a variety of dangers with falling tree limbs or contaminated flood water.
Fortunately, there are steps that pet owners can take to reduce these issues or deal with them when they occur. One is making sure your home and yard are safe. Each home and its environment are different, but some common threats can include caustic chemicals or ample shade and water outside. A little thought may be needed as some chemicals like common anti-freeze can be fatal to pets, for example.
Having a good veterinarian is also important. Serious problems, especially, can require medication and expertise you simply don’t have.
Another important element is a pet first aid kid. Obviously, we’re biased because we manufacture first aid kits, but a pet-specific kit can be critical. If your dog is bitten at a dog park, the band-aids you carry for your children won’t be much good – they won’t stick to fur. A broken blood feather on your bird is serious, potentially fatal, but without the right treatment there may be little you can do.
Just like human first aid kits, pet first aid kits are designed to provide basic medical supplies and equipment to help you administer immediate care to your pet in case of an injury or another emergency. Having a well-stocked pet first aid kit can be crucial to provide an immediate response to injuries. They can minimize risks by allowing timely intervention and keep minor injury from escalating into a more serious health issue.
This is important at home or when traveling with your pet. Knowing you have the tools to handle minor emergencies can give you peace of mind as a responsible pet owner.
We do promote our kits, and not just for business reasons. Our kits were designed with input from pet owners and veterinarians. They not only include what you need for the most frequent threats but pet specific directions to help you act in an emergency. But whatever you do, be prepared!